Hello and welcome to the last task for week 2 in the Easter learning Journey. This is probably the last task for the easter learning Journey but I still don't know. This task is similar to the other text message task from the first week but different, because this time it said.
(If you were given the ability to send one text message to everyone in Glen Innes What would it be?) For those that are not familiar with Glen Innes it is a suburb in East Auckland which is the place I live in and is also the place my school is located in. The only thing is that I could say Anymore words than ten. I tried to go easy and simple but would definitely be easy for those that live in Glen Innes know what it means. I wrote this because some people go a bit to over bored and even if the minister #Jacinda ardern clearly said to stop freaking out there's many food to go around but people still do what there doing. Lucky New Zealand's number of people that have covid - 19 is not that bad. But who ever sees this and is from GI short for Glen Innes see's this and you know your one of them please stop I know It's none of my business but It's a bit to childish.
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