
Friday 9 August 2019

Show not tell the beach

On a clear blue bright day. I was heading towards the beach, walking in the direction of the path way. Looking out at the beautiful shores of the islands. Trees leaning across the soft sand and creating a shade covering the sun. water almost as if it is the water we drink. Tropical breeze blowing through your hair. As if it was a large fan right in front of you but instead of those tough breezes from the fan its smother and refreshing breezes. Gazing towards the beautiful islands across the shores. Glancing up and seeing birds roaming around the sky. Water rushing in towards your feet taking a bit of sand as well. Looking out in the shores I noticed a Blue and white boat passing by with lots of people inside. After the boat passing by my eyesight caught a little red creature right under the palm tree. As I walked closer and closer I just noticed it was a little baby crab. Once it saw me it sprinted away and disappeared into the green lush bushes. The sound of the water flowing up and down the sand.

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