
Wednesday 19 June 2019

The mean troll

As the sun was rising people were getting ready for there day. The new cafe that was just built was open and lots of people went for breakfast there. As a family was ordering they heard thumping and screaming making some people spill their coffee all over them. The workers noticed the sound coming from outside . Everyone in the cafe rushed out to see what was going on with the terrifying screaming. As they looked out they could see a crowd of people running away from something. Looking up the people in the cafe were petrified by the ugly troll passing bye them stealing whatever it sees that is interesting like the boat that it was holding. The people in the cafe ran out following the crowd of people behind them. The family left one of their children behind. The ugly hideous troll came by to the cafe lifting up the rooftop of the cafe. The little boy  wanted to do something about this troll destroying everything that people own. The little boy had a little moment to think what he could do. The boy came to a time when he got an idea but it was a crazy one. He went up stairs where the hideous troll can see him probably and hear him probably. The little boy called out loud to the troll to get his attention. The troll looked down to see what that little voice was coming from. He saw a little boy standing there with his angry face string towards him the little boy said, “ What is your name and why are you stealing every one’s belongings.” I’m not stealing anything so would you mind leaving so I can do what I want.” You can’t tell me what to do because your not my parents” Yeah but I can take your, And the troll snatched the little boys Ipad that he was holding. The little boy cried. The troll felt sorry for the little boy so he gave his ipad back and the little boy stopped crying. The troll apologized and said sorry. The little boy said, “you don’t have to steal stuff you want because those are people's stuff instead you can ask but you have to say sorry to everyone First . the troll  went to apologies to everyone and everyone was okay and went back to what they were doing. The boys family got to eat for free at the cafe. everyone who passed him said thankyou for saving their lives. And as the day ended, one was happy in the end.

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