
Saturday 15 June 2019

If I were a time traveler

If I were a time traveler I would see myself wearing a long coat and carrying a big bag with stuff inside. The Invention to make me travel to anytime is disguised as an ordinary box. My first destination will be in the future because I want to see what is going on with the pollution. I would visit all around the world to see the tall towers that are built. I can see myself watching the long distance of flying objects like cars and hover boards with people on it. Just imagine the size of the phones now and in the future they would be the size of Ipads, like what. Okay my next destination will be back in the day in 1936. I will go and to Tonga where my great, great, great grandma lived. The reason why I would want to see her is because she is not Tongan and my grandma only got to see her when she was probably 3 when she met her and it will be cool to see how she looks like. My next destination would be when my mum, aunties and uncles were born because It would be cool to know how they were when they were little. My next destination will be when the world was created. I’m sure the first thing I would see would be a black hole just swirling towards the distance. Then after It would form into the shape of the earth. And then volcanoes will start to erupt and trees and plants will start to grow and animals running all over the place , and birds filling the sky with color. Okay I have another place in my mind just dying to get out, I really want to go and visit the 18 and 17 100’s . From the histories from these times.My last destination will be the most dangerous time that I went as a time traveler and it’s the end of the world. It might sound crazy but I really want to know how it ends. It could give the scientists some clues to how it would end. I can also see myself seeing lots of people screaming for help.

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